Tongue Scraper
In Stock (>5 pcs)
Fruit and Vegetable Bags - Set of 3
In Stock (>5 pcs)
Néti Teapot India
In Stock (>5 pcs)
Bamboo Exfoliating Tampons
€11,78 –16 %
Bamboo Exfoliating Tampons
In Stock (>5 pcs)
4 items total

On this page we have prepared various accessories that might be useful for you. These are Zero Waste products and also products designed to cleanse the body. Body cleansing is one of the traditional techniques of yoga. If we strive for total harmony, we must not neglect the body. Ancient cleansing methods offer a traditional and effective way to keep the body healthy, young and fit.

Zero Waste Accessories

If you are looking for high quality health products that leave you feeling refreshed and cleansed, then look no further than our selection of products. From tongue scrapers with effective and gentle solutions for tongue scraping and cleansing, to eco-friendly bamboo tampons designed to reduce your waste output and help you towards a zero waste lifestyle, to yogic neti pots for aided purification using jala-neti. These products promise you simple and effective ways to look after your body without compromising the environment. Let our superior health solutions be your guide towards cleaner health and a cleaner planet.

What is Zero Waste?

Zero waste is a set of principles focused on minimizing waste and maximizing the efficient use of resources. It is a way of life that calls for creativity and experimenting with resourceful solutions to reduce consumption, reuse materials, and recycle whenever possible. Zero waste emphasizes product responsibility, eliminating the concept of “waste” and recognizing that everything that is thrown away has worth. The goal is not to send materials to landfills, incinerators, or the oceans but ultimately strive for zero landfill waste. Zero waste is a process that encourages us to think critically and question our consumption behaviors and develop solutions along the way. It is becoming an increasingly popular movement given the environmental tragedy and economic ramifications of throwing away resources that still have value. To embark on a zero-waste journey, start by refusing items such as plastic bags or single-use plastics like straws, bottles, and wrappers. Replace single-use items wherever possible with reusable ones, such as bringing a reusable bag to the grocery store or a travel mug for your morning coffee. Use and repurpose what you already have, research local upcycling and repair-centered events, and buy items that come in packaging that will either be reused or recycled. Make conscious and thoughtful decisions about your purchases and determine whether or not you need an item before you buy it. As you strive towards the goal of zero waste, remember to be kind to yourself and be patient and forgiving when you fall short. Encourage others to join in the journey and actively participate in workplace and community zero waste initiatives.